It’s National Pecan Pie Day today!
While traditional Pecan Pie is typically loaded with sugars, fillers, and junk, Pecans themselves are a great source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and they can help lower blood pressure.
If our family is in the mood for a sweet and salty summer treat that takes almost zero prep time, check out the following recipe for these fun little Chocolate Pecan Clusters!
Let’s go nuts!
1 - 3.5 oz. Bar of Organic Dark Cacao (at least 90%+ Dark Cacao is preferred)
1/2 Cup Organic Pecan Pieces
1/4 Cup Dried Organic Cranberries (or Organic Cherries, or Raisins - something chewy)
Pinch of Pink Salt
In a double-boiler on the stovetop, melt your chocolate bar over low heat until fully melted.
In a small metal bowl, place your Pecan pieces and dried Cranberries together and mix until blended.
Once your chocolate is fully melted, pour it over your Pecan/Cranberry combination.
Immediately stir. Once mixture is fully coated, place concoction by rounded teaspoon into paper-lined mini muffin tins.
Sprinkle with a pinch of pink salt and place into the freezer at once.
Let rest for at least one hour, then serve.
