It’s Wellness Wednesday!
With the craziness of the holiday season, there is no time to get run-down or sick. The easiest way to stay healthy at this time of year is to support yourself nutritionally.
Eating right on-the-go may seem like a daunting task, but with simple eats, like this tasty Avocado Micro-greens Sandwich, we can all carry on with the craziness!
All you need to put this amazing sandwich together is the following:
* 1 or 2 pieces of Sprouted Bread (we used Ezekiel bread)
* 1 small Avocado
* 1 small handful of fresh micro-greens (often found at your local Farmer's Market - we used micro-green from the AZ supplier: Fight Farms)
* Shake of Cumin seasoning
* Salt/Pepper to taste
Simply cut and spread the Avocado on your piece of bread.
Next, layer your micro-greens on the smashed Avocado.
Lastly, season your creation with Cumin, Salt, and Pepper.
Cover with your remaining slice of bread and enjoy!
