Even if it's still hotter than the surface of the sun in AZ, we can dream about cooler temperatures and all of the fun flavors of fall, right?
These Salted Caramel Overnight Oats combine the amazing taste of coffee and salted caramel, which have my taste-buds dreaming about cozy sweaters and fuzzy boots.
What's even better is you can whip together this recipes in minutes and savor the decadent flavors, all while falling in line with your macro count.
Simply mix together in a bowl:
1/2 Cup Oats
1 Scoop Vanilla Vegan Protein Powder
2 Teaspoons Chia Seeds
1/4 Teaspoon Salt (we normally don't add salt to anything, but it really makes this recipe)
1/2 Cup Coffee, Chilled
Splash of Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Teaspoon Honey
Caramel Topping: 5-6 Medjool Dates, soaked in water
Instructions: Mix together all ingredients, minus the Dates and refrigerate overnight. To prepare the Caramel Topping, blend the Dates, with a splash of water, until thoroughly blended.
Add your Caramel Topping and enjoy!
